Monthly Archives: July 2016

VA Mini 2016

On May 21st I attended the VA Mini expo/meeting in Ashland Virginia. It was a real nice gathering of like minded folks and as usual the pot luck lunch was really good. Paul Glancy from Paul’s bakery supplied us with delicious cupcakes and brownies. Several people got up and talked about their displays, including me! I showed the, new for 2015 show, bells I made out of PVC primarily for the song Snoopy and the Red Barron. Everyone seemed to like the bells and I showed two short videos of our display that several seemed really interested in. The organizer, Andy Anderson brought a PVC spiral tree that I was one of several that helped him set it up. Below are some photos of it and other items from the gathering. The folks at this show are real nice and I enjoy going every year.



PVC Tree3 PVC Tree2 PVC Tree1

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